Here is a very short clip of a few photos I took of the Delaney family yesterday. They were generous enough to offer me their time to take their photographs, and as I waited for them, dark clouds started rolling in and I was loosing light fast. I tried my best to boost the color to make it appear bright and sunny outside. Unfortunately, these are not my favorite photos only due to the cloudy evening. I also should have reminded the Delaney's NOT to wear white shirts. If you compare these photos to the Turi Family photos in the brown shirts you will see why I don't like white shirts. They become the focus of your photograph and scream, "look at me!" Rather than your subject's faces being the center of attention. All in all, it was lots of fun shooting with them. They are a beautiful family with beautiful kids. We walked away with a few good shots, but I'm still working on salvaging the rest. Stay tuned! Thank you Delaney Family!